Road Test: We Drive the Polestar 2
The drive train in this car is superb full stop. At no time in my day did I think the car was out of its element. Climbing hills, freeway driving, city driving, overtaking on a single-lane road it was capable and responsive at all times. It was also fun to drive. From the start of the day until the finish I never got tired of the instantaneous acceleration. I was completely taken in with the smoothness of the power delivery.
Why the Rivian R1S gives me hope for the future of electric vehicles.
As a legitimate Petrol Head or Gear Head (depending on where you’re from) electric vehicles had been nothing more than another fad to me, but in the last couple of years or so I have had to accept that electric vehicles are here to stay.
GMC enters the Overland / Off-Road conversation with the Canyon AT4 OVRLANDX
Since being punted from the Garden of Eden, man has had an insatiable desire to explore our earth and even the stars beyond. From Cartier to Cousteau there have been brave men and women who have set out to explore the unknown searching for new lands and new peoples and although earth has been mostly explored, the desire to explore and for adventure has not diminished.
Motorsports are back in BC!
After the last year and a half of rolling lock downs and cancelations it so good to finally see motorsports back in BC!
Apple Car Rumors...
The long awaited arrival of the Apple Car seems to getting closer. A Reuters report claims Apple plans to release the car in 2024, a mere 3 years from now. With Tesla stock soaring and the Big 5 Auto Manufacturers all shifting more money into Electric vehicle technology, Apple still sees the opportunity to make a splash in this market segment with their own vision of a self-driving-capable vehicle.
Road Test: we drive and grade the Hyundai Tucson.
Road testing vehicles happens to be one of my favourite things in the world to do. I get excited every time I get to drive something I haven’t driven before, legitimately - even the crappiest of vehicles I still love it. As a kid, my goal was to drive every car model ever made, and It thought I could do it. In my more mature age I realized that it would not be possible to achieve that goal so somewhere around the age of 15 I altered my goal to just drive everything I possibly could. So when I had the opportunity to drive the 2020 Hyundai Tucson I jumped at the chance.
If 2020 was a car...
“An absolute dumpster fire”, is what most people will tell you when you ask for their opinion of 2020 so far. To be fair, it really is a natural observation with all the actual nightly dumpster fires on CNN these days. However, this site isn’t dedicated to dumpsters or communists so we thought we should find a car that represents 2020 and share that with you. So, without further adieu, the car we think best represents 2020 is…
We visit the British Columbia Drifting Association
I’ll be honest, drifting has been the red-headed stepchild of automobile sport for me. I was a teenager in the 90’s and had my license before drifting was considered true motorsport. Really, the only real drifting that was happening was with cookie sheets under our rear tires. As the sport has gotten bigger I have watched a ton of Youtube Vids and whatever has been on T.V. (which isn’t much) but I wanted to understand the sport better. I personally found it hard to understand the criteria for how the sport is scored and judged and really, overall, the rules.
We visit Jellybean Autocrafters
The perfect car doesn’t exist, not because there aren’t great builders, but because cars are as much about art as they are performance. Art can be divisive, one person may hate a painting another may love it, and only the truly great artists have been able to get general concensus that their work is in fact great. Most of us don’t and can’t ‘do art’, so just as we commission a painter to paint a masterpiece for our living room, we must commission a Craftsman to build our custom cars.