British Columbia Drift Association Drift Day Feb 6/22

Cars Won’t Make You Happy
Great perspective video put together by Gears and Gasoline. Give it a watch and subscribe to their YouTube Channel for more interesting car videos.
2020 Baja 1000
It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! Don’t forget to follow the Baja 1000 on the Score International website and catch all the exciting race action!
How to Drift a Car
The Driver 61 YouTube is a great resource for learning how to drive more consistently on your track days. Give them a follow on social media and Youtube and learn more driving technic.
Jeremy Clarkson test driving the Reliant Robin
Still one of the Best TopGear segments ever produced
Hoonigan “Night At The Museum”.
If you enjoy a bit of non formal car history you will love watching Brian Scotto from Hoonigan visit to the Petersen Automotive Museum in LA. Give their Youtube channel a follow for more great Automotive content.
We Visit
Jellybean Autocrafters
The perfect car doesn’t exist, not because there aren’t great builders, but because cars are as much about art as they are performance. Art can be divisive, one person may hate a painting another may love it, and only the truly great artists have been able to get general concensus that their work is in fact great. Most of us don’t and can’t ‘do art’, so just as we commission a painter to paint a masterpiece for our living room, we must commission a Craftsman to build our custom cars.
The essential part of commissioning someone to build your masterpiece is finding a builder who can bring your vision to life and make it better than you imagined, and in the city of Langley BC you can find such craftsmen.
Mike Finnegan’s look inside a Sequential Gear Box
If your a fan of Mike Finnegan and following his YouTube channel Finnegan’s Garage you will know he is building a 67 C10 pickup. In his last episode he had guys from 6XD Gear box explain how their sequential gearbox works with an open working gearbox case. If you're interested in how things work it worth the time to watch. Look back through his channel for the whole story on the pickup and give him a follow if you like his work.
The Blue Ghost, a story by Petrolicious
I love hearing the story behind and the history of someones car build. Even when the car itself may not be the nicest or the most expensive or even one that I’m interested in. I’m a sucker for a good story especially when it involves cars and great adventures. One YouTube Chanel that I really enjoy and is great for hearing these stories is Petrolicious . They produce great videos that showcase not only the car but the story behind the car. Do me a favour and and give them a follow on Youtube and Instagram you won’t regret it.
Driving bc:
The best day and weekend trips for overlanding
I don’t like to admit in public that I am a Overlander, because I think of the very cheesy YouTube Overlanders and the Instagram “influencers” that all drive the same vehicles and have $150,000 worth of gear to go camping. Those people wouldn’t consider me an overlander I assume, because I haven’t bought a rooftop tent or spent my life savings on Max Traxx and Magpul gloves. I overland in a stock GMC pickup with a (ground) tent, a case of bottled water, a Tupperware box full of pans and spatulas (don’t ask) and a cooler full of food. Let me clear this up even more. I hate tents, so I have started sleeping in my pickup while out in the bush because tents suck. I love exploring new roads and driving so that overrides my desire for comfortable sleep, but let me tell you: if every day out in the bush ended in a nice hotel room or my own bed I would go out every weekend.
I need to say when it comes to traveling the back country we are spoiled in BC because almost every area you travel to has an abundance of off road exploration available to you. Just like the last post of some of the best day trips for sports cars, this post will highlight only some of my favourite off highway routes for 4x4 capable or higher clearance 2wd vehicles. I know there will be some roads and routes that readers will say should have been on the list, but these suggested routes are for the majority of the readers to enjoy not only the most equipped and built 4x4’s .
driving bc:
Roads to enjoy while social distancing.
We are living in uncharted territory for our generation, with phrases coming at us like “social distancing”, “self isolation”, and “new normal” as a polite way to say, “your screwed forever”. The current times are not ideal for sure, but in my opinion the only way to approach it is to say, ‘this is not easy, but we will get through it’. As much as things seem overwhelming and difficult, it’s worth remembering that we aren’t the first generation to deal with hard things, and we won’t be the last.
So in light of the mandate for social distancing, I am suggesting we can still enjoy the open road in our favourite cars and these roads are some of the best I’ve driven in BC.
Donut Media Tribute to Ken Miles
If you don’t follow Donut Media on Youtube, I suggest you give them a follow. They use a blend of humour and information to cover loads of Automotive topics. Also if you are interested in Automotive podcasts they have a great one called “Past Gas” ( “It’s about cars and not about Farts” ) and you can find it on all major Podcast thingy’s. You’re Welcome.
Merritt Off-road racing
We Visit MORR
I want some MORR….
Let me spoil the ending for you, I loved it, but not for the reasons I thought I would. You see, I am a fan of Trophy Trucks and Class 1 buggy’s ripping up the desert. Now, I know I was coming to see some short course racing which is (obviously) different, but I wanted the Experience of 900 horsepower Trophy Trucks Thundering by or at least some pro2 or pro4 short course trucks destroying my ear drums as they passed me. I guess I hyped it up in my head that I was going to be working Glen Helen and walking around photographing Rob MacCachren and his Rockstar Energy team. Up until this point, I have always thought you can only have fun at the biggest events.
2019 Vancouver International
Auto Show Gallery
Drift Legend Vaughn Gittin Jr Drifts the Ring
Race 2 Dakar
Lyndon Poskitt Races the 2020 Africa Eco Race!
If you followed the 2018 Dakar Race you probably would have come across Lyndon Poskitt, as he was posting daily videos on YouTube of his Dakar race. Lyndon was racing in the Malle Moto class, which is essentially where you ride your bike without support for the whole two week race. All he had was himself and a box of spares and tools. He raced all day and then prepped his bike for the next day all while trying to catch a bit of sleep and food in the bivouac before setting off again. It was a really interesting Race perspective especially for a fan of the Dakar like me. It is on my bucket list to go and take the race in as a spectator as I am fully aware I am too soft to compete in it as a racer. I would be stoked up until the start of day 2 where the lack of sleep from the first day would keep me in my tent in the bivouac curled up in the fetal position. I’m not entirely sure but I assume sponsors don’t like that.. Anyway If you are a fan of Dakar check out his Youtube Channel here and check out his Dakar 2018 playlist. If you want to Follow his Africa Eco Race subscribe to his Channel and follow along.
Papadakis Racing 1000 HP Surpa Engine Build.
Ok So Papadakis Racing isn’t Local, but it is entirely worth watching the tear down and build of this 2020 Supra Engine. I appreciate the clean shop and precise workmanship, and I hope you enjoy it as well. Give their youtube account a follow