GMC enters the Overland / Off-Road conversation with the Canyon AT4 OVRLANDX
Pictures provided by GM Canada
Since being punted from the Garden of Eden, man has had an insatiable desire to explore our earth and even the stars beyond. From Cartier to Cousteau there have been brave men and women who have set out to explore the unknown searching for new lands and new peoples and although earth has been mostly explored, the desire to explore and for adventure has not diminished.
Now however there is a new breed of adventurer and explorer roaming the world, less murder-y than the old explorers, the new Explorers are more likely to talk about coffee and instagram followers than colonizing your suburb. These new Explorers are called Overlanders
Just like our Ancestors, to be an explorer/adventurer you need a reliable means of travel. Unlike our ancestors, your means of travel also has to look good so you can cash in on your travels by gaining followers and marketing dollars when you #overland. Until now most Overlanders have chosen the trusty Toyota Tacoma or the universally loved Toyota 4-Runner as the trusted steeds to do all this adventuring, but now it would seem the other car manufactures have noticed the the Overland market is booming and still growing.
Enter the GMC Canyon AT4 OVRLANDX Off-Road Concept. It’s a look into what a future version of the Canyon could be for Overland enthusiasts. It’s doubtful that GMC will sell a fully-kitted version like this concept . More likely, it will release a more off-road capable version of the Canyon with a bit more ground clearance and optional locking front and rear diffs like this concept version. I would also speculate that GM will have a catalog of accessories to purchase as well.
General Motors has been behind a lot of its competition in the off-road market and has had, in my opinion, a lot if missteps. Most recently, releasing the new Blazer as a crossover instead of a new K5 throwback like Ford did with the Bronco. That being said, this overland concept is a step in the right direction for GM to service the off-road market well. GM feels confident it has put it’s best foot forward with OVRLANDX concept saying in a press release:
“The concept truck could confidently handle a variety of obstacles encountered far from civilization with a 27.7 degree approach angle and a ground clearance of 10.0 inches, boosted by 33-inch BFGoodrich® KM3 Mud-Terrain tires on 17-inch AEV Crestone wheels.” - GM press release 2021-08-27
What I would hope is that GMC has paid attention to the things that really matter and not just the shiny extra bits that are visually appealing. One thing on the list of features I don’t see is a larger fuel tank for longer range travel. What any overland enthusiast will tell you especially those driving Toyota’s that come with actual thimbles for fuel tanks is they want more fuel capacity so they can go farther without having to find a service station. Another Item I don’t see that has actual function for travelling off road is an onboard air system for times when you want to “air down” so you can drive hundreds of miles on broken track with out peeing blood when you arrive.
Where they have hit the mark is with the factory lift, under-belly guards, rocker guards, locking diffs, and factory recovery points - all good and necessary things when you want to explore the world around you. The first question is, however, will they release this more capable Canyon or will they let this concept fade away like so many do. The second question that will need to be answered: can this kitted Canyon grab enough attention away from the beloved Toyota’s? I guess the answer to both is, only time will tell, but my hope is the OVRLANDX will be released and sold as an actual model. I also hope GM will see the need in the market and push the boundary and create a new standard for off-road enthusiasts. More competition equals more innovation and as an off-road enthusiast I want to see more manufacturers seriously servicing the market.